Friday, March 12, 2010

WhAt A wEeK!!!!!!

This week has been CRAZY.
Worked 43 hrs at Beaver and 10 at the Hospital. Beaver had their season pass sale this week so they needed extra help.
But the worst part of the week has been for Carson. He was home for 4 days with a migraine. We have another appt with Primary's and also with Dr Garg (pain contol) next week.
Not being able to help him is so frustrating . I just want him better....

I am also frustrated with the school. A couple weeks ago we got a letter saying that if he didnt go to school they could refer him to juvenile court and it would be a class B midemeanor for the parents. Then yesterday when he was home the vice principal called, and made him feel pretty bad by saying, "there is no way you can be that sick" " if you are that sick shouldn't you go to the Dr.?" I have talked to his teachers and given them a letter from the Dr explaining whats going on and still they don't get it. Do they really think that we just let him stay home for NO reason? I guess there are parents like that out there, but I am offended that they think I am one of them......
Sorry, had to vent..
I feel better now...


  1. Did the VP really say those things??? Wow, that's something else.

    We're sure praying for him and for you guys.

  2. You would think that the school would be more understanding than that. That is crazy wrong. You should sue them ;). Give Carson a big hug from his favorite aunt.
